Tuxtla Gutiérrez.

San Marcos Cathedral

Government Palace at downtow

Journeys through the legendary places of Chiapas have its capital, Tuxla Gutierrez, as their perfect starting point. Located 1080 kilometres south of the City of Mexico, it is the centre of the commercial, economic and political activities of the state since 1892.Tuxla imposes itself in the midst of a fertile valley at 550 metres above sea level, and its history goes back to the pre Hispanic period, when the Zoque Indians settled in this zone, which they gave the name of Coyatoc (place or land of rabbits).Later the Aztecs would show up (between 1486 and 1505), and they would call it by the same name, though using the word Tochtlán, its equivalent in the Nahuátl language. With the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors the name would be twisted into a new word: Tuxtla. The added Gutierrez was imposed in 1848 to pay homage to Joaquin Miguel Gutierrez, a connoted and renowned federalist.

Tuxtla's Arch

Nowdays Tuxtla Gutiérrez stays as the economical and political district in the state, representing the upcoming development on infrastructure and dinamical population growing. Despite being the capital of the state, there are many interesting places to visit: Parque de la Marimba (where the local folklore and the traditional marimba can be seen everyafternoon), the site seeing at the Sumidero Canyon from at the top of the mountain and the diversity of flora and local fauna at the state ZOOMAT. Visiting Tuxtla will leave you with a tasteful experience.

Marimba Park

Zoomat entrance

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